Why is it important for me to become a church member?
Biblical Reason: the Bible teaches that believers are to be committed to and united with a local church family for worship, fellowship, discipleship, service, mutual care, and accountability. There is no such thing as a church-less Christian in the New Testament. ​
Practical Reason: You will never truly invest your heart and life into the ministry of the church until you make a commitment. Being a perpetual guest will make it easier to sit on the sidelines and miss out on opportunities for service, growth, and building deeper relationships. A helpful analogy is that the difference between being a perpetual guest and being a member is like the difference between dating (no or low commitment) and marriage (high commitment).

How do I become a member of First Baptist Choctaw?
4 Simple Steps:
Plug into a Connect Group - We have great groups for all ages that meet each Sunday at 9:15 am. Visit our Welcome Center for help finding your group. Connect Groups serve as the foundation for all our discipleship, community, care, and service.
Attend our Discover First class for New and Prospective Members - The class is offered periodically. Watch for the date of the next class on social media, in the Sunday Bulletin, and in our announcements.
Participate in a Membership Interview with one of our Pastors - This gives our pastors an opportunity to get to know you and to help you get the most out of membership here at FBCC. You can sign up for a Membership Interview anytime by using the tear-off card attached to this bulletin, or by contacting Pastor Andy at
Be Presented for Membership at the end of a Worship Service - Come down to the front of the church during the invitation song that occurs immediately after the sermon. Share your intention to become a member with one of the Encouragers serving there. They will get some vital information from you and then you will be introduced to everyone so they can meet you and welcome you into our church family.
What are the requirements for church membership?
You must be a follower of Jesus or become one by repenting of your sin and placing your trust in Jesus as your Savior and Lord.
You must be baptized by immersion (put under water).
We also recommend that you attend a Welcome Dinner, which is a great opportunity to make an initial connection with our pastors and to learn more about our church. Watch social media, the bulletin, and our announcements for the date of the next Welcome Dinner.